Thursday, 14 Sep 2017 6:00 PM
WordPress Q&A Panel
Hey Groovy WordPressers,
This month we have an amazing panel of WordPress experts who will field your questions on life, the universe, and everything WordPress related.
So if there is something you have always wanted know, a problem that is perplexing you, or you just want to know what that button on the right does, come along and ask the experts, or if you are shy, ask it when you RSVP in the question box and we will answer it on the night.
Hope to see you there!
Doors will be locked but someone will be there to open it for you.
There is ample parking on the side streets surrounding the building and it’s 3 stops from the CBD (the first stop on Montague Rd) on Bus #60 (West End glider) towards West End.
6.00 Doors Open, Pre-Meetup Networking.
6.20 Presentations starts
8-9pm Networking on the rooftop area (pending weather).
The WordPress Brisbane group is run by a group of volunteers and relies upon the donations our sponsors make to the group for it to happen.
If you’d be interested in helping us run the group in any form, sponsoring some of the costs of the meetup, or presenting on a topic you’re passionate about, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!.
The WordPress Brisbane meetup is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of the month, every month.
If you’d like to organise another WordPress-related event/meetup in Brisbane (and surrounds) for the group, get in touch so we can set it up!