Wednesday, 29 Aug 2018 6:30 PM
The topic for this month is SEO tools, tips and tricks for WordPress users.
Google visit our websites with this one simple question…
“Please business person, tell me what you want your website to be known for!”
Most business owners are blowing that opportunity, on their own website. And sometimes we’re just not helping our clients with the basics either or helping us to add value to the work we do.
Have no fear, Peter Butler from Smarter Websites ( is here to show you some of the easy tools you can use to at least help you stand a chance of ranking in Google!
Peter helps professionals and small businesses market themselves cost effectively online and use their website as the tool it was intended to be – a positioning and qualification tool to elevate themselves above the competition so they can charge and work at the premium rates they deserve.
For the developers & agency types who work with clients, Peter will be showing you some tools you can use to show off ‘SEO stuff’ to clients, and make you look like a whiz.
When presenting on Organic and On-Page SEO there’s always newbies and experienced peeps in the room. If you don’t walk away with at least a few gems from this meet-up, Peter will eat his hat (He doesn’t own a hat btw, so please make sure someone brings one along, just in case!).
Cut through the fluff and noise and the SEO smoke and mirrors with some practical tips on what to do to get better results, how to control the conversation on SEO on how to better package SEO.
As always, the event will look something like this:
6:30 – 7:00pm : Official start time, casual networking (sponsored drinks)
7:00 – 7:10pm : Introduction & housekeeping
7:10 – 7:30pm : Feature Presentation
7:30 – 7:45pm : 15 min Refreshment break (pizza – thanks sponsors!)
7:45 – 8:30pm : Q&A with the panel
Are you an SEO guru? Want a say in our future meetup topics? Email [email protected] if you’d like to be on the panel for this month’s Q&A or want to get involved with keeping these events running.