Wednesday, 15 Nov 2017 6:00 PM
The Brisbane Northside Meetup is back, better than ever, in a shiny new location, and a new sponsor, WP Butler.
This month we have 3 presentations:
WordPress Security
A brief look into how hackers gain access to your WordPress installation, and a practical guide to locking down your website using freely available plugins.
WordPress Backups
How to set up a backup strategy for your website using the plugins and safely storing regularly scheduled backups off-site on a separate server.
Avoiding Scope Creep
How to avoid the “never ending project” and deliver a WordPress project on scope, on time and on budget.
6.00 Doors Open, Pre-Meetup Networking
6.30 Presentations starts
The WordPress Brisbane group is run by a group of volunteers and relies upon the donations our sponsors make to the group for it to happen.
If you’d be interested in helping us run the group in any form, sponsoring some of the costs of the meetup, or presenting on a topic you’re passionate about, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!.
If you’d like to organise another WordPress-related event/meetup in Brisbane (and surrounds) for the group, get in touch so we can set it up!