Monday, 28 Aug 2017 6:00 PM
RSVPs open 7 days before the event.
Build a site in 20 minutes
Kristen Symonds is a Happiness Engineer from Automattic and will be showing you how to find and test themes and plugins to help put together a site in just 20 mins!
Winning Bigger Clients & Projects
Wil from Zero Point Development will show you a better way to pitch to prospective clients which should help you win larger projects.
RSVPs open 7 days before the event.
Rough agenda:
6:00pm Pre Meetup Networking + limited beers
6:30pm Welcome, News & Stuff
6:45pm Presentations & open discussions
8.00pm We aim to close around this time and head off to the pub.
Afterwards: Pub time to continue conversations at the Agincourt Hotel
Fishburners Venue Location Details:
1 case of beer is provided courtesy of Fishburners.