Monday, 25 Sep 2017 6:00 PM
RSVPs open 7 days before the event.
Target Audience: Developers – to get the most out of ACF you will need to be familiar with PHP and creating WordPress page templates.
This month Wil Brown from Zero Point Development will be talking about the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin and how you can use it to easily extend your own or customers websites to give them a great experience.
XTRA XTRA!! In response to the dropping of the React JS library by Automattic because of the Facebook patent issue, we’ll have a look at quick look at patenting with very short presentation called Patents Rock reproduced with permission from the original presentation author @BenDechrai.
Page Builders Q&A
There seems to be a lot of talk about page builders at the moment – the drag and drop type. We’ll do a quick round-up of those currently being used and open up the floor to your experiences and questions.
RSVPs open 7 days before the event.
Rough agenda:
6:00pm Pre Meetup Networking + limited beers
6:30pm Welcome, News & Stuff
6:45pm Presentations & open discussions
8.00pm We aim to close around this time and head off to the pub.
Afterwards: Pub time to continue conversations at the Agincourt Hotel
Fishburners Venue Location Details:
1 case of beer is provided courtesy of Fishburners.