Monday, 29 May 2017 6:00 PM
RSVPs open 7 days before the event.
Audience: Beginner
This month we will be talking about domain names, top-level-domains, DNS, moving sites and domains to another server as well as image processing.
Domains & DNS
The domain name landscape has changed a lot in the past 12 months.
Learn about new domain name options and how to secure a brilliant address for your WordPress site. As well a first look at DNS: what is is, and how to configure for the hosting of your WordPress website.
Aimed at beginners you’ll learn about name servers, delegation and resource records.
Speaker: Peter Shilling, The DMA
Moving a WordPress Site to Another Server
From time to time you may need to move your WordPress site to another server or hosting company.
Maybe you also need/want to change the domain name of the site too.
I’ll be talking about the different ways you can safely and easily move and rename your site to another server.
Speaker: Wil Brown, Zero Point Development
Image licenses, the good bad or ugly
What it means when you “borrow” an image. Images and copyright infringement.
How to find Good images, why you should read the license and how you can protect yourself.
Speaker: Graham
RSVPs open 7 days before the event.
Rough agenda:
6:00pm Pre Meetup Networking + limited beers
6:30pm Welcome, News & Stuff
6:45pm Presentations & open discussions
8.00pm We aim to close around this time and head off to the pub.
Afterwards: Pub time to continue conversations at the Agincourt Hotel
Fishburners Venue Location Details:
1 case of beer is provided courtesy of Fishburners.