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We’re delighted to announce that MeetupMixup will return on December 13 2017!

>>> Tickets on sale now ( <<<

We’re moving the venue this year and will be gathering at Mug Life in Potts Point.

We’ve got something extra special this year and just a little bit sweet – it’s neon and donuts themed!

Hashtag #MuMu17 ( to keep up-to-date and visit our site at

Sponsorship ( are now available for those companies and individuals who’d like to help and connect with the community.

>>> Tickets on sale now ( <<<

Early bird tickets won’t be on sale for long. Tickets include plenty of food and drink for the evening (including a healthy bar tab)!


This is a ticket-only event – don’t RSVP on

We want the event to be as fun and inclusive for everyone so make sure to read our Code of Conduct (

Your contact details from registration and ticket purchases will not be shared with any sponsors or external parties.

Sponsors on the night may run competitions to give away some door prizes in return for you volunteering contact info – it’s up to you to decide 🙂