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Love it or hate it, the new Gutenberg block editor is here to stay. Luckily, we are fortunate enough to have one of the developers who works directly on the Gutenberg project right here in Perth!

This month, we are going to be trying something a little bit different, based on feedback from our community. Rather than try and find a ‘one size fits all’ topic, we will be having two talks and you can choose to attend one or the other (or both) depending on your skill level.

The first talk will be aimed more at developers – with Dan Richards from Automattic showing us how to create custom Gutenberg blocks.

After a break for pizza and drinks, Dan will then be giving us a broader presentation on what Gutenberg has to offer and how to best use it. The second talk will be significantly less technical in nature!

Our speaker this month will be Dan Richards, who is a developer for Automattic working on the Gutenberg project.

The new trial agenda will be:

6:00pm – 6:30pm: Technical Presentation
6:30pm – 7:00pm: Networking & pizza/drinks (Thanks Sponsors!)
7:00pm – 7:30pm: User Level Presentation
7:30pm – end : Q&A with the expert panel

Refreshments are provided by our ongoing sponsor WP Engine, and our August sponsor House Digital. The fabulous venue where our events are held is the (recently renovated!) Riff Town Hall that is generously provided to us free of charge by Spacecubed.

— About our Sponsors —

Spacecubed is a Social Enterprise, supporting tailored coworking and office spaces, events, programs and a curated community of small businesses, sole traders, corporates and entrepreneurs.

WP Engine equips you with the tools you need to build and deploy a range of online experiences from campaign sites to content hubs to ecommerce extensions. Their platform is unified by powerful technology, award winning service, and an ecosystem of partners and developers that expand the value you gain from all solutions.

House Digital is a Perth-based web development agency specialising in custom WordPress websites. The company is run by this month’s presenter and Meetup organiser Jo Minney, and the House Digital team love working on things that are a bit out of the ordinary such as custom eCommerce platforms, membership sites and websites for companies that are publicly listed.

— About the Presenter —

Dan’s experience building for the web began back in the UK around 10 years ago, and since then he’s helped develop web-based products for startups in the Museum, Game and Education sectors.

Now based in Perth, Dan works for Automattic as a JavaScript Engineer, contributing to the open-source WordPress Core codebase, with a particular focus on the Gutenberg project.

— Volunteers Wanted! —

We have recently submitted an application to host WordCamp Perth in 2020 and we need dedicated volunteers to make this happen. If you are passionate about WordPress why not consider joining our organising committee? Have a say in what topics we choose for meetups, and reap the rewards of all the positive karma you’ll gain from helping make Perth’s first ever WordCamp a reality.

If you’re interested in helping out, please join us on Slack to be part of the conversation! (Join #wpperth and tag Jo Minney or Roxanne Barney to get added to the perthorganiser channel!)

Need to get your WordPress fix in between meetups? Join us on Facebook!