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Welcome to the Parramatta chapter of the WP Sydney Meetup. Our venue can easily cater to 30 or more guests. Includes a large projector screen, free WIFI.

Presentation Details

Speaker: TBA

• 6:00pm Set Up and Mingling

• 6:30pm Welcome and Introductions (Tell us who you are and what you do)

• 6:45pm Presentations.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

NOTE: If you rsvp to this meetup and cannot attend please be so kind to un-rsvp yourself at your earliest convenience so we have accurate numbers

Our Sponsor(s) for this Meetup
a2hosting.com has sponsored this meetup, a2hosting provide world class super speed hosting for all major CMS platforms including WordPress. a2hosting have various plan to choose from for every budget. Visit our meetup on the night and get access to special promotions offered by a2hosting especially for WP Sydney Meetup attendees.

wpengine.com WP Engine is the worlds leading WordPress digital experience platform that gives companies of all sizes the agility, performance, intelligence, and integrations they need to drive their business forward faster.

What to be a speaker?
Interested in being a guest speaker? We more than welcome guest speakers that can bring new and exciting ideas to the community. If you want to talk about something send me a Private Message and well discuss it.

This meetup will always remain free to attend. If you would like to support our community financially we are now on OpenCollective (https://opencollective.com/wordpress-sydney) accepting sponsorship and donations.

Read up more on sponsoring our meetup community (https://www.meetup.com/WordPress-Sydney/pages/24430760/Sponsoring_Our_Meetup_Community/).