Thursday, 30 May 2019 6:00 PM
Welcome to the fifth Meetup event for WordPress Port Macquarie in 2019!
Robey will be going through a list of checks you can make on your website to help improve its loading speed.
Today, users have no patience for websites with poor load speeds or inadequate performance.
In a study done by Akamai, about half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less. If it isn’t loaded within 3 seconds, those users tend to abandon the site.
An even more alarming statistic is that 64% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with an online store’s experience & loading time will take their business elsewhere.
Laptops are invited too so you can follow along if you want 🙂
There will be free wifi available.
Cost: These Meetups are FREE to attend and include food (pizza) – let us know of any dietary needs. Please RSVP if you plan on coming so we know how much food to provide. Special thanks goes to our sponsors Conetix ( and Plesk ( who allow us to provide food and drinks to our attendees for free.
Location: The Port Macquarie Hastings Council have opened up a co-working space called The HUB at 143 Gordon Street, Port Macquarie.
PRIZE! There will be a lucky door prize this month! Just pop your name in the hat at the door and we will draw the winner during our pizza break. The prize will be a voucher for one full day at The Hub coworking space for use anytime during March 2019. Valued at $33.
Questions: If you have any questions or suggestions about these meetups, you can contact me at [email protected] or message me through
Meetup Organisers:
Robey Lawrence
Mel Lawrence
Jake Jackson