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Welcome to our first meetup for 2017. 

It’s been a while since we’ve had a proper meetup so we’re bringing and action packed night to make up for it.

On Tuesday night from 6:30pm, the meetup will be held at a venue in the Adelaide CBD, to be announced closer to the date.

We’re lucky enough to have a lot of new members in WordPress Adelaide, so we’ll be hosting a ‘Welcome to WordPress’ talk at 7:00pm for those who are just getting started.

We will then have our ‘main’ talk – which will focus on doing some ‘spring cleaning’ of your WordPress site.

In a change from our setup last year, we will be doing a developer focused talk later in the night at 8:30pm

This is a free meetup, including a speaker and networking/socialising time with pizza provided. Space is always limited so it is essential to RSVP as soon as possible.



6:30pm – Doors Open, socialising/networking time

7:00-7:20pm  – Welcome to WordPress – a short talk for those getting started in 2017

7:30-7:50pm – “New Year, new you” – Spring cleaning and New years resolutions for your WordPress site 

7:50pm-8:30pm – Pizza time! more socialising/networking time

8:30-9:00pm – DEV TALK: In-depth look at Actions and Filters 


Venue currently TBA, but it will be somewhere in the Adelaide CBD.


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