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The WordPress June Meetup will be all about Gutenberg – the new content editor being developed for WordPress 5.0!

A lot has changed in the last 6 months, and it’s definitely time to take another look at this feature which is sure to be a big leap forward for WordPress.

The main speaker for the June Meetup is Marion Black, who will be introducing the new GutenBerg editor and teaching us a little about how to enable and start using it. Marion has recently published a course via Udemy on the Gutenberg editor, and is kindly offering our meetup attendees access to the course for free!

Marion has been a longtime regular of WordPress Adelaide and we’re super excited to have her present for the first time.

You can find out more about Marion along with some great WordPress articles and tutorials at

The second talk will be a lightning talk (short talk) by Alex James Bishop on developing for Gutenberg and a quick run-through of some excellent resources for developers to dive into creating their own Gutenberg Blocks!



6:45pm – Doors Open, pre-talk networking time

7:00pm – WordPress 101 session for people new to WordPress (optional)

7:30pm – Main Presentation – Intro to WordPress themes

8:00pm – Short Break

8:15pm – Guest Speaker – WordCamp Sydney Lightning Talk

9:00pm – Official Formalities finish, socialising & networking time


The costs of this meetup are currently covered by Frame Creative ( ).

Frame is a branding & creative agency with a large digital team, and a wealth of experience in modern WordPress development for Government, Enterprise and Business clients.


WordPress Adelaide is a community driven organisation that operates through volunteer efforts and a little help from our sponsors.

If you’d be interested in sponsoring a meetup, presenting at a meetup, or just generally being more involved in the community we would love you hear from you!