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The June 2019 Meetup is focusing on WordPress Page Builders.

Main Talk: Using Page Builders for Fun and Profit, with Ricky Blacker.

Page Builders can sometimes get a bad rap, from being bloated and slowing sites down, to breaking sites and causing problems, or just not cool enough for real coders to use.

In this presentation Ricky will show you how Page Builders are becoming more accepted, from novices to seasoned professionals, and use cases that demonstrate ways page builders can speed up development and make you more efficient

Ricky is joining us all the way from Qld for this presentation, courtesy of his employer (and all around WordPress community supporter) WP Engine. Long time members will remember Ricky visited us in 2018 as well and gave an excellent presentation on hosting.

As usual, the WordPress 101 session will be first, which aims to briefly introduce WordPress to people just starting their journey.

The Secondary presentation is a developer focussed talk, aimed at showing developers the benefits of combining their coding skills with a Page Builder.

The talk will feature examples for Elementor, but the principles could be easily transferred to other builders.



6:30pm – Doors Open

6:45pm – WordPress 101 – Introduction to WordPress

7:00pm – Short Break

7:10pm – Main Presentation – Using Page Builders for Fun & Profit – Ricky Blacker

7:35pm – Short break

7:45pm – Secondary Presentation – Page Builders for Developers (cooler title coming later)

8:15pm – Formalities end, head downstairs if people wish to stay and socialise.
