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June’s presentation is aimed at people who are interested in making their own WordPress themes or custom templates for their WordPress based website. 

We will be demonstrating the Timber project, which allows you to create themes using the Twig templating language, and provides many very useful and easy to use utilities for WordPress development.

The presentation will include some code examples and discussion around some development topics relevant to the framework (MVC, separation of concerns etc).

If you’re not interested in developing themes or are new to WordPress then you’re more than welcome to join us before or after the main presentation for some netowrking and general WordPress chat.  

On Tuesday night from 6:30pm, the meetup will be held at the Majoran Distillery. Level 2, 14 Grenfell Street, Adelaide (above Harry’s Bar).

For people new to WordPress we run an optional ‘WordPress 101’ session before the main talk.

This is a free meetup, including a speaker and networking/socialising time with pizza provided. Space is always limited so it is essential to RSVP as soon as possible.



6:30pm – Doors Open, socialising/networking time

7:00pm  – WordPress 101 session for people new to WordPress (optional)

7:30pm  – Developing WordPress Themes using Timber

8:00pm – Pizza time! more socialising/networking time

8:30-9:00pm – Event finishes (time depending on how long people hang around)


The speaker for this event will be Alex James Bishop, 

If you’re interested in speaking / presenting please contact us, we’d love more community involvement and diversity in our speaker lineup 🙂 


The costs of this meetup are covered by Internet Monkey – An Adelaide based consultancy that helps businesses increase growth and profit through better use of technology.

This meetup is hosted by the Majoran Distillery, Adelaide’s premier tech coworking space.

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