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We’re back in action with another developer-focused meetup. This month we have a guest speaker joining us – the WordPress prodigy Cameron Jones. We’ll be looking at the release of WordPress 4.6, and the Customiser.

As usual, the evening will begin and end together with our User meetup, with our two groups separating for the presentations.

We’ve got a new location for the meetup this month, which we hope will become our permanent home. Read more about Inbox Workspace and how to get there below.


7:00pm Arrive, chit chat & pizza

7:30pm News and quick updates

7:45pm Presentations

– Ricky Blacker

What’s new in WordPress 4.6; What to expect from 4.7.

– Cameron Jones

Bridging the gap between the admin and front end.

8:15pm Presentation Q&A

8:30pm Wrap up and open questions


There’s a new venue this month! Inbox Workspace is a professional casual office and co-working space in Maroochydoore. Check them out at

Undercover parking is available underneath the Sebel building, entry via Parker Street. Take the lift to level 2.