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We’ll be doing our regular meetup style this month with Cameron Jones taking some time out from his busy schedule to present to us 7 Free Third Party Services Every Website Needs.

7 Free Third Party Services Every Website Needs: Cameron Jones

As much as we all love WordPress, it can’t do everything. Thankfully, there is a plethora of services on the internet to help give your site the boost it needs. Cameron will be presenting the 7 services he believes that every website needs and how you can integrate them with your WordPress website.

Cameron is a web developer at Matter Solutions in Fortitude Valley and is the author of the Facebook Page Plugin which is being used by more than 20,000 websites.


Doors will be locked but someone will be there to open it for you.

There is ample parking on the side streets surrounding the building and it’s 3 stops from the CBD (the first stop on Montague Rd) on the BLUE City Glider towards the West End Ferry.

6.00 Doors Open, Pre-Meetup Networking. 
6.20 Presentations starts  
8-9pm Networking on the rooftop area (pending weather).

The WordPress Brisbane group is run by a group of volunteers and relies upon the donations our sponsors make to the group for it to happen.
If you’d be interested in helping us run the group in any form, sponsoring some of the costs of the meetup, or presenting on a topic you’re passionate about, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!.

The WordPress Brisbane meetup is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of the month, every month.
If you’d like to organise another WordPress-related event/meetup in Brisbane (and surrounds) for the group, get in touch so we can set it up!