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So what is a page builder? And why would you want to use one? – Lachlan Black

Page builders are a visual tool for doing layout work and adding functionality to your content, allowing you to produce mobile-friendly and visually-appealing pages and posts without needing to do any coding such as HTML or CSS. 

Even if you are comfortable with editing the code of your pages, posts, and stylesheets, you might find page builders are a quick and user-friendly alternative that’s worth a look. 

Lachlan will discuss page builders in general and in particular, the Page Builder Plugin from SiteOrigin, covering topics including:

• Pros and cons of page builders

• Who are they good for? 

• Who might want to steer clear of them?

• Choosing a page builder – a brief look at the current main choices

• What a page builder actually does

• How to get started using a page builder

• A quick demonstration using the SiteOrigin plugin

• If you’d like to present, please contact the organisers today!

Lachlan Black is a freelance WordPress developer who often uses page builders as one of his go-to tools to quickly develop client websites.


Doors will be locked but someone will be there to open it for you.

There is ample parking on the side streets surrounding the building and it’s 3 stops from the CBD (the first stop on Montague Rd) on Bus #60 (West End glider) towards West End.

6.00 Doors Open, Pre-Meetup Networking. 
6.20 Presentations starts  
8-9pm Networking on the rooftop area (pending weather).

The WordPress Brisbane group is run by a group of volunteers and relies upon the donations our sponsors make to the group for it to happen.
If you’d be interested in helping us run the group in any form, sponsoring some of the costs of the meetup, or presenting on a topic you’re passionate about, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!.

The WordPress Brisbane meetup is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of the month, every month.
If you’d like to organise another WordPress-related event/meetup in Brisbane (and surrounds) for the group, get in touch so we can set it up!