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We’ll be doing our regular meetup style this month, this month Bronson Quick will be presenting a continuation of his WordCamp Sunshine Coast WordPress Debugging talk. 

This talk was originally scheduled for January, however was unfortunately rescheduled at the last minute.

Debugging WordPress core and plugins!: Bronson Quick

This talk is a continuation of his presentation at WordCamp Sunshine Coast, although if you missed it a quick recap will be provided. You can watch the WordCamp Sunshine Coast talk here.

When you digging into WordPress’s action and filters sometimes it can be difficult to find out what data is being passed to different actions and filters, how many queries are run on a page and which scripts are being enqueued and dequeued. 

Bronson will teach you how to setup your local development environment so you can debug WordPress in real time so you don’t spend hours tearing your hair out trying to create a new plugin for your clients or customers. 
Bronson will show you how to use Xdebug, PhpStorm, WP Debug Bar and Query Monitor while you’re developing your plugin to increase your speed so you can ship your work faster! Say goodbye to your days of `var_dump`ing while you code.


Doors will be locked but someone will be there to open it for you.

There is ample parking on the side streets surrounding the building and it’s 3 stops from the CBD (the first stop on Montague Rd) on the BLUE City Glider towards the West End Ferry.

6.00 Doors Open, Pre-Meetup Networking. 
6.20 Presentations starts
7.30 PIZZA
8-9pm Networking on the rooftop area (pending weather).

The WordPress Brisbane group is run by a group of volunteers and relies upon the donations our sponsors make to the group for it to happen.
If you’d be interested in helping us run the group in any form, sponsoring some of the costs of the meetup, or presenting on a topic you’re passionate about, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!.

The WordPress Brisbane meetup is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of the month, every month.
If you’d like to organise another WordPress-related event/meetup in Brisbane (and surrounds) for the group, get in touch so we can set it up!