Wednesday, 01 Mar 2017 7:00 PM
How The Fudge Do You Do That?
Your WordPress Questions Answered!
Presented by Ricky Blacker
Rick will attempt to give you the answers to those burning WordPress questions you wanted to ask but were too scared to in an informative and fun presentation that may or may not involve actual Fudge.
Got a question that is bugging you, submit it in the message area and he will try and get the answer for you.
This month’s meetup is suitable for all levels of expertise so please come along and have fun with your fellow Wordies.
7:00pm Arrive, chit chat & pizza
7:30pm News and quick updates
7:45pm Presentation
“How The Fudge Do You Do That?”
by Ricky Blacker
8:15pm Presentation Q&A
8:30pm Wrap up and open questions