Wednesday, 13 Sep 2017 6:30 PM
To accommodate more people, we’re changing venues again!! Starting from the September meetup, we’ll be located at Launchpad 3 in Richmond. Launchpad is Australia’s first local multi-site workspace.
We’ll be located at:
Launchpad 3 (Tram Stop Stage)
132 Cremorne St
Launchpad 3 is a short 7 minute walk from Richmond Station. You can view the route on Google maps:
You can view a larger version of the map at
The WordPress Melbourne meet up returns for another month. Our WordPress meetup covers everything from choosing Themes & Plugins and setting up your site, through to theme and plugin development and everything related to Core.
We currently run one meetup per month. We try to alternate between end-user/beginner talks one month and development/technical talks the following month. As it all depends on availability of presenters though, please make sure you keep an eye out on the topics for the particular month once we update the meetup page with all the details.
We’re always looking for new speakers, so contact the organisers in the sidebar if you have an idea for a talk. We usually start the night with a light meal before the talks.
You can find links to past presentation slides (when available), over on our WP Melbourne website –
RSVP’s for this meetup will open 7 days before the meetup starts
6:30 Arrive, mingle, chit chat, pizza scoffing
7:00 News, views and quick updates
7:10 Talk followed by general discussion
8:15 Pack up and head for the pub
8:30 Drink stuff
Outsourcing – Scaling your WordPress business by leveraging others time
This talk will explain the highs and lows of outsourcing overseas web talent through actual examples of successes and failures.
Whether you are doing your own website or creating websites for clients outsourcing can be used many ways, almost 100% of a job or just 5% of a job and there are some common methods of ensuring the job ends well as I have found out from jobs ending badly. In this presentation I’ll give you as many of good and bad ways as possible to outsource.
Tim Connell is an experienced manager of people, problem solver, professional photographer and self employed web designer since 2001. Tim creates and runs his own online businesses, not just for clients, so he lives everyday in development mode and the ever changing landscape of a websites code.
Using and Extending WooCommerce
Chris Burgess will give a quick overview of WordPress eCommerce basics, with a focus on the popular WooCommerce plugin. Chris will cover WooCommerce basics, common and useful extensions, and the best places to get help.
Chris Burgess is a web technology consultant. He’s passionate about Open Source, community, and the Australian tech space. Chris is also the Co-founder of the digital agency Clickify.