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RSVPs open 7 days before the event.

Audience: Intermediate

This month we will be looking at WordPress theme design, development and accessability

Theming 101
Speaker: Wil Brown, Zero Point Development

An exploration into what a WordPress theme is. How does it work and what is it made up of?

If you’re interested in getting into theme development this talk will help you get started on that journey.


Building for Accessibility
Speaker: Isabel Bryson,

How to build the front end of your website taking into account the needs of all your potential users. We’ll go through a few common accessibility issues in HTML structure, CSS and JS and how to fix them.

Isabel Brison is a front end designer and developer. She designs and builds websites from scratch with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and builds WordPress and Tumblr themes. She’s also a visual artist and an experienced photo manipulator.


RSVPs open 7 days before the event.

Rough agenda:

6:00pm Pre Meetup Networking + limited beers

6:30pm Welcome, News & Stuff

6:45pm Presentations & open discussions

8.00pm We aim to close around this time and head off to the pub.

Afterwards: Pub time to continue conversations at the Agincourt Hotel

Fishburners Venue Location Details:

1 case of beer is provided courtesy of Fishburners.