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Pete Easton talks about his latest project, a membership website built with WordPress. Pete’s a great speaker (we’ve greatly enjoyed his topics in the past) and his current membership site has an interesting method of using posts rather then user meta as the profiles, relying heavily on custom taxonomies to browse profile meta.

If you’re interested in exploring how membership sites can be built with WordPress this is a great topic for you. Beginners, don’t be put off – there’ll be plenty of great tips in there for you too.



3:00 Arrive, mingle, chit chat

3:30 News, house-keeping and quick updates

3:35 Talk/s followed by general on-topic discussion

4:20 Pack up

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This meetup topic is suitable for all levels of user including beginners. It covers all things related to using your WordPress site, such as Themes, Plugins and general content management.